In addition to this curriculum vitae, I also provide a simplified résumé.
Johns Hopkins University | August 2015 |
Ph.D., Computer Science
Confidence in Confinement: An Axiom-free, Mechanized Verification of Confinement in Capability-based Systems [PDF] [LaTeX] [Source]
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan S. Shapiro |
Gustavus Adolphus College | May 2002 |
B.A., Computer Science
Technical Expertise
Java, JDB, Perl, Python, SQL, C, C++, GDB, GNU Make, Bash, LotusScript, Lotus @Commands, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Linux kernel tracing, Linux VFS, Linux kernel modules, ACL2, Isabelle/HOL, TWELF, Coq, OCaml, SML, LaTeX, Git, Mercurial, SVN, CVS, QEMU.
Haskell, Agda, Jekyll, Liquid, Sass, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, OpenSCAD.
Johns Hopkins University | 2003-2015 |
Graduate Researcher, Systems Research Laboratory
Core Technologies: Coq, ACL2, TWELF, Isabelle/HOL, OCaml, SML, Perl, GNU Make, Latex, Mercurial, GIT.
- Conclusively demonstrated that capability-based systems can enforce confinement by leveraging mechanical verification using the Coq proof assistant.
- Increased confidence in the model and widened its future applicability by providing permission propagation theorems independent of any specific policy that are subsequently applied to the confinement problem.
- Hardened the model by providing a general implementation that can be refined to describe any capability system and completes the model for an axiom-free proof.
- Critically assessed multiple first-order and higher-order proof systems including ACL2, TWELF, Isabelle/HOL, and Coq.
- Ensured the Coyotos and BitC projects would be fit for future verification by providing continual feedback through their development.
Johns Hopkins University | 2009 |
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Jonathan S. Shapiro, Microkernels
Core Technologies: C, C++, GNU Make, QEMU, GDB, GIT, Mercurial.
- Provided a constructive environment by assisting students with development and debugging in the Coyotos microkernel.
- Responded to student needs by offering lengthy mentoring sessions every night.
Johns Hopkins University | 2006-2009 |
Instructor, Operating Systems
Core Technologies: C, GNU Make, QEMU, GDB, GIT, Mercurial, Linux kernel modules, Linux VFS.
- Responsible for all aspects of course execution.
- Provided an extremely practical, hands-on, and critical examination of operating system design reflecting both academic and practical perspectives.
- Improved the scope of the course by designing and presenting novel materials on 64-bit memory architectures, Linux kernel module development and in-kernel debugging, and capability-based systems.
- Prepared students professionally with advanced course material including the slab allocator, file-system implementations and Linux VFS, microkernels, and virtualization techniques.
Johns Hopkins University | 2007 |
Lecturer, “TWELF Lecture series,” Systems Research Laboratory
Core Technologies: TWELF.
- Introduced the Systems Research Laboratory to verification techniques in TWELF by designing and presenting a half-semester lecture series.
- Communicated topics in advanced type theory and totality analysis and their relationship to mathematical proofs.
Johns Hopkins University | 2003-2006 |
Research Assistant, Systems Research Laboratory
Core Technologies: C, GNU Make, GDB, GIT, Mercurial, Linux kernel tracing, Linux VFS.
- Was a key participant in the coevolution of BitC and Coyotos.
- Reconciled the Intel paging mechanism with Coyotos’ general-purpose guarded page tables.
- Motivated guarded page tables by simulating process behavior taken from traces in Linux and demonstrating that guarded page tables would not add substantial overhead.
- Guided early BitC language development through issues regarding formalization and verification.
Oracular Systems and Software | 2002-2003 |
Software Consultant and System Administrator
Core Technologies: Java, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, LotusScript, Lotus @Commands, SQL, SVN.
- Improved corporate utility to clients by producing rapid prototypes of software services.
- Adapted to client software configurations when realizing prototypes into high-quality deliverables.
- Increased system uptime for clients and the company by diagnosing server and service issues.
Virtual Information Systems | 2000-2001 |
Developer Internship
Core Technologies: LotusScript, Lotus @Commands, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, CVS.
- Improved metrics in reported billable hours by updating the internal billing service.
- Increased client efficiency by developing digital-workflow applications for existing business practices.
Gustavus Adolphus College | 2000-2002 |
Electronic Reserves Developer
Core Technologies: Perl, SQL, GNU Make, HTML, JavaScript.
- Worked within a self-directed and self-managed team to design and deploy the Gustavus Library Electronic Reserves system.
- Took personal responsibility for the system backend and data processing.
M. S. Doerrie, Confidence in Confinement: An Axiom-free, Mechanized Verification of Confinement in Capability-based Systems , Ph. D. Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, July 2015. [LaTeX] [Source]
J. S. Shapiro, S. Sridhar, S. Doerrie, M. Miller, E. Northup. BitC Language Specification, June 2006.
J. S. Shapiro, M. S. Doerrie, E. Northup, S. Sridhar, and M. Miller, “Towards a Verified, General-Purpose Operating System Kernel”, Proc. 2004 NICTA Operating Systems Verification Workshop, 2004.
Honors and Awards
1998 - 2001 Gustavus Dean’s List
1998 - 2001 Trustee Scholarship
1998 - 2001 Norelius Service Award
1998 BSA Eagle Scout